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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Harwichport Boat Yard Hero

Harwich Port Boat Yard

Harwich Port Boat Yard is a year-round marina located on Wychmere Harbor, a man-made harbor that was once a horse and car racing track, but was dredged in 1887 and channeled to provide boaters with access to Nantucket Sound.

When the boatyard owners wanted to update their facilities, a new bulkhead and pier were designed and permitted. Maintenance dredging of the channel was also performed to enhance accessibility. In addition, to better make use of the marina facilities, the layout of the boat slips and moorings was reconfigured.

Today, the boat yard operates in compliance with all required permits, and is an updated and more modernized facility.

  • Marine engineering design of bulkhead and pier
  • Zone of reconfiguration for the boat slips
  • Environmental permitting at the local, state and federal levels
  • Construction contract administration services
  • Compliance inspections.