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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Whitehead Road Pier Hero Thumb

Cohasset Harbor Pier

Providing Residential Water Access via a Rock-Faced Concrete Pier with a Seasonal Ramp and Float

The owners of this waterfront property in Cohasset wanted to construct a pedestrian bridge/pier, with a ramp and float extending from the end of the pier into the harbor. A plan was designed to connect the pier to two bedrock outcrops 50' offshore. The new pier is supported on concrete abutments constructed directly on the granite bedrock.

In order to anchor the concrete pier foundation to the bedrock, Coastal Engineering designed a rock anchoring system that provided uplift and sliding resistance while protecting the structure against forceful wave activity near the coastline. After the pier construction was completed, a pre-fabricated, removable ramp and float system was designed and installed.

These property owners now have a dramatic new rock-faced concrete pedestrian pier with a seasonal ramp and float for accessing Cohasset Harbor.

  • Structural design and plan preparation for concrete pier, ramp, and float
  • Geotechnical review and consultation
  • Engineering design of rock anchoring system
  • Preparation of plans and specifications for pre-fabricated ramp and float system.