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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Provincetown Heritage Museum And Library Hero

Heritage Museum and Library

Established in 1976 by the Town of Provincetown, the Heritage Museum/Town Library is housed in the former Methodist church, which was built in 1860 and is now a Registered National Landmark. When structural renovations of this historic site were needed, preservation and restoration to maintain the building’s original craftsmanship and character were of primary importance. Working with the Town’s Department of Public Works and using historic construction techniques, a new building foundation was designed, a new roof was installed, and the exterior envelope of the structure was rehabilitated. In July of 2007, the building’s 12-ton

belfry was completely restored and hoisted into place. The result is a facility that is a true memorial to Provincetown’s wide-ranging heritage as a whaling and fishing center and as America’s oldest summer art colony.

  • Structural evaluation and engineering design
  • Preparation of plans and specifications for historic repair and restoration work
  • Civil engineering design services for site grading and stormwater drainage.
  • Construction contract administration and oversight